Sunday, July 24, 2005

My Old Kentucky Home

The five things I miss most about childhood, as required by a tag from Casey.

Running through our huge yard in Kentucky in only my purple bathing suit bottoms, hopping over the lawn sprinkler stationed smack in the center of the yard. The feel of the icy cold water against the humid air. The soggy grass between my six-year-old toes. My bowl haircut plastered to my head. Laughing unabashedly and without reason; giggling. Seeing my mom on our back porch, watching and laughing along.

The smell of Wal Mart in the few weeks before school. Carrying the list my teacher sent, dutifully crossing off #2 pencils and wide ruled notebook paper. Trapper Keepers. Trying on outfits that would carry me through the first months of school. The nerves the night before the first day, wondering if I'd get to sit next to my friends. A new backpack, full of the supplies I'd picked out myself.

The lemonade stand my neighbor and I half-heartedly ran every summer. Sitting at the end of my black-topped driveway on our sleepy street, waiting for someone - anyone - to drive or walk by in hopes that they'd like a drink from our pitcher of Countrytime Lemonade. Drinking most of it ourselves; the vast majority of our earnings due to our parents purchasing glass after glass. The huge sign we made in gigantic bubble letters to advertise our twenty-five cent price.

Our house. My mom in her flowered flannel nightgown tucking me into bed. The smell of my dad's bootpolish and Old Spice first thing in the morning before he went to work. The smell of baby powder in my brother's yellow room. The light purple walls in my bedroom. My heart-covered bedspread. My little brother carrying his stuffed animal, Kitty, through the house. The horrible pear-and-bird wallpaper in our kitchen that was left by the previous owners of the home. (Funny that I know my mom re-wallpapered because we all hated what was there, but I don't remember what she covered it with.) The couch in the living room that, with the simple propping up of the cushions and the aid of a blanket, became a fort in which I could read in complete privacy. I read a whole Babysitter's Club series on that couch one summer.

Being completely content. Never feeling like I should be doing more. Never feeling like I should be pleasing people. Never feeling that I should be smarter, prettier or more successful, being perfectly happy in my skin, belly and all. Feeling perfect just the way I was.

And, now I have to tag three people...Because them's the rules.

Dale Bentley


Anonymous said...

Hey, if you wanna come here and run around in just your swimsuit bottoms, that's fine by me. It was 100 today. Good weather for it. I'll occasionally spray the hose your way to cool your down ;)

Anonymous said...

Drop the "r" from the "your" in the last sentence, k? Man, I hate it when I make grammatical errors.......(grumble)

Dreamer said...


God's gift to women (with really low standards) said...

You sure you don't need the hose, Scoot? haha

Jason said...

Kentucky was a pretty cool place to be a kid in, huh? Hopefully I'll go back for a visit this year.

beardedriffraff said...

Strangely I really miss going back to school each year. Not really high school, but until the time I was about 12 or so I used to get so excited.

Julie said...

Oh I miss back to school shopping! I love school supplies. Trapper Keepers, pencil cases, the biggest box of crayons (things I didn't really need, but always wanted). I still get excited when I go to a store in the summer time and there are rows and rows of school stuff...Oh, and the clothes, it was like Christmas in August.